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Leadership Program Application Frequently Asked Questions


1) Does my ranking of alternative programs make a difference?  (You will be asked to rank your program(s) of choice when you register on-line for the district test and when you complete our digital application.)

  • YES , please consider your ranking of programs very carefully before making this selection.

    • The ranking system gives the student an element of choice in the selection process. Our student selection process is based on the merit of your application and an interview process, but we also take the ranking into consideration.

    • The Windermere Leadership Program uses this ranking system, in consultation with other alternative schools, to find the best fit for as many students as possible.

    • Students who rank a particular school as their “first choice” will have a greater chance of being selected by that school.

  • Note: be careful when making your choice on-line – the Vancouver School Board will not make changes to your selections once you have registered.

2) How do I apply for the program? 

  • Click here!  (The digital application document is in step 2)

3) My Grade 7 report card wasn't ready by the time the applications were due.  Can I hand that in afterwards once I get it? 

  • Yes.  Please email a digital scan directly to the program coordinator, Ms. Foster at or send a paper copy to Windermere Secondary School, attention: Leadership Program. 

3) If I accept a position at school “X” during the first round of offers, can I still be offered a position at school “Y” during the second round of offers?

  • No, once you accept an offer your name is removed from the list of applicants from all other schools.

4) Can I take Math 9 or 10 when I’m in Grade 8 Leadership?

  • Yes.  We recognize that many Grade 8 students come to us with a variety of skill in math and we do not include math courses in our mini-school program. Once you are accepted into Leadership, you would need to discuss that placement with the school counsellor and the math department who would conduct an assessment to determine appropriate placement. It is important to note that with a Universal Design for Learning framework, the vast majority of students will thrive with differentiated instruction regardless of grade level match. 

5) Can I join the Early Mandarin Bilingual program at Windermere when I’m in Grade 8 Leadership?

  • No.  Due to scheduling difficulties we cannot promise that the timetable will allow students to participate in both programs.  It may work out but we cannot promise that it will. 


6) Can I take an advanced French class if I’m a French Immersion student?

  • Possibly. If there are no timetable conflicts and there is room in the class, French Immersion and bilingual students accepted to Leadership will often be placed in French 10. If this is not possible, students will be placed in Spanish 9 or another elective in consultation with the grade counsellor and language teachers.

7) Will I find out the results from district wide VSB administered tests?

  • No, test results are not given out to the student or parent. The test is only used to assist with the placement of students in specific alternative programs.  

  • Please note that the Leadership program does not use the district assessment test as part of our application process at all. Our program focuses on environmental stewardship, social justice, and community engagement unlike many mini-schools which focus on academic acceleration and/or enrichment. Therefore, the test data is not a strong indicator for the students who fit well with our program.

  • Please note that since 2021-22, due to health and safety measures, there have been no district wide VSB administered tests.  

8) Do I need to fill out a VSB Cross-Boundary Application Form?

  • No, if you are accepted into the Leadership program, it is a VSB district program – there are no boundaries to cross. If you are out of catchment and wish to go to Windermere Secondary and are NOT offered a placement in the Leadership program, then yes, you do need to fill out a cross-boundary application.

9) Can I apply to the Leadership Program if I live out of the Vancouver School District?

  • No, this program is for students who live within the Vancouver School District.

10) What percentage of Leadership Grads go to post-secondary schools and get scholarships?

  • Our main goal is to help students develop leadership abilities and create positive change in their world.  That being said, our students are exposed to many opportunities and develop skills essential for success in a post-secondary setting.  Each year over 90% of our Leadership grads go to their first-choice post-secondary institution as compared to the BC average of 45%.  The vast majority of our grads also win scholarships – including 100% of the Leadership grads of 2019!

11) If I’m not admitted for 2024-25 (Grade 8) can I re-apply for 2025-26 (Grade 9)?

  • Yes, you will need to submit a different application (available from the Leadership coordinator throughout the year). If a space comes available (this happens occasionally) we will contact suitable applicants in a specific grade. These applicants will be interviewed and a new student will be selected. There is no test to be written, but the application must be complete.


12) May I call or email the Leadership Program to ask questions if I’m not selected for an interview, or position?

  • No, we simply don’t have enough time or resources to discuss unsuccessful applications.

Can't find what you're looking for? 

  • Please email the program coordinator, Jordan Al-Assadi.

© 2022 by Windermere Leadership Program. 

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